Collections and Documents
Alexis Trin avatar
Written by Alexis Trin
Updated over a week ago


Collections in are a powerful tool to organize and manage your audio content effectively. With Collections, you can group related audios, threads, and documents together, allowing for easy access and seamless navigation.

Creating a Collection:

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Navigate to the main dashboard or homepage.

  3. Look for the "Collections" section or tab.

  4. Click on the "Create Collection" button, usually located at the top or side of the Collections section.

  5. Provide a name or title for your Collection. Choose a name that reflects the content or topic of the Collection.

  6. Optionally, you can add a brief description to provide more context for the Collection.

  7. Save the Collection, and it will be created for you to start organizing your content.

Adding Content to a Collection:

  1. Open the Collection you want to add content to.

  2. Look for the "Add Content" or "Add to Collection" button.

  3. Click on the button to open a menu of available content types, such as audios, threads, or documents.

  4. Select the desired content type and choose the specific audios, threads, or documents you want to include in the Collection.

  5. Save the changes, and the selected content will be added to the Collection.

Managing Collections:

Within a Collection, you have various management options to keep your content organized. Here are some common tasks you can perform:

  • Reordering: Change the order of audios, threads, or documents within the Collection by dragging and dropping them into the desired position.

  • Editing: Modify the Collection name or description by accessing the Collection's settings or options.

  • Removing Content: Remove audios, threads, or documents from the Collection by selecting them and clicking on the "Remove" or "Delete" option.

Documents: allows you to upload and manage your documents seamlessly. Documents are a valuable resource that can be associated with audios or threads to provide additional information or context.

Accessing Documents:

  1. Navigate to the audio or thread that has an associated document.

  2. Look for the "Documents" section or tab.

  3. Click on the section to access the associated document(s).

  4. You can view, download, or interact with the document as needed.

Remember to utilize Collections and Documents to keep your audio content organized, enhance its value with associated documents, and access them easily whenever you need. Enjoy the seamless organization and management capabilities offered by!

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